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Deezer Shoove
Today 8:09 am
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31stArrival » Today, 4:15 am » wrote: ha ha ha ha ha. Understanding anything evolving doesn't require knowing everything imaginable. Reasonable doubt doesn't define actual time something is inhabiting space per cycle spontaneously here simultaneously as everything universally present now simultaneously different at the same time universally present in ever changing form specifically inhabiting space occupying time here.

Between fiction and fantasy, yesterday, today, tomorrow 7 days a week, 24 hours a day evolving leaves nothing existing the same details twice so far.

I am only discussing periodic element characteristics of 119 characters that sustain universal objects inhabiting space so far.

Need I do the organic results developing after erosion into actual generation gaps of ancestral lineages present and accountable total sum past and current events leaving nothing of everything the same twice now. Evolving is a process taking place naturally timing ancestors apart sharing space as completed evolution cycles adapting uniquely here 24/7 intellectual time actual timing is just adapting in space now.

What do I need to know to correct corruption directing human behavior cradle to grave? Living doesn't exceed adapting forward now.

7 rhetorical questions about eternal life
1. How did I become me?
2. Why doesn't everyone understand their own time limit?
3. What have I become conceived to birth, born to dead, dead to decomposed?
4. Where am I ancestrally here day in and day out?
5. When does all this take place equally as everything beyond my flesh inhabiting space here?
6. Whom am I ancestrally here socially pretending life exceeds adapting specifically myself conceived to decomposed now?
7. Ways to confuse every generation alive thinking outside self contained to their own time existing eternally separated here at this universal position.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday existential time relativity governing tomorrows midnight to noon 52 weeks a year.

7 reasons people believe life isn't self evident since dawn of civilization
a. Meaning of life defined by power of suggesting now isn't eternity
b. Motives ancestors to defy life in real time simply adapting to living as eternally separated now
c. Methods if institutional reasonable doubt every heartbeat forward so far academia, arts, economics, spiritual souls, political mights, social consensus, generation gaps living now.
d. Power of controlling human behavior cradle to grave through lines of communication.
e. Wealth creating rank gets privileges those sacrificing their biological time to keep humanity governing tomorrows today don't get.
f. Fame history recording leaderships directing the behavior or alternate realities daily all 5 generations living so far
g. Dictatorships work within ancestral lineages and democracies work social consensus in this atmosphere within all 5 ancestral lineages of the 5 generation gaps present 24/7 through vernacular tribalism and promises of better tomorrows dawn to dusk factual days pass midnight to noon each rotation of the planet, each quarter phase of the moon, each solstice and equinox sustaining two separate seasons same rotation, each annual cycle around the star 365, or 366 days a year, each reproduction exists inception to conception as conceived to dead, no more great great grandchildren added again. now.

Need I do the 10 commandments, the 10 Bill of Rights(Magna Carta) 10 bill of rights(Jan 1791) metric system of 0-9 and anything is possible after 1.0 with the universal binary code of 0 or 1.

Why can't everyone just get along? New World Order rule of law doesn't allow it any generation living here so far.
Too stupid. Didn't read.

Here's how dumb you are^^^
I call you nuts and you do this reactionary diatribe proving
you forgot to put in all the parts from your Head Rebuild Kit.

Check your 1970's shag carpet for a few screws.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
Updated 3 minutes ago
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